Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seasons Update

Going to make this a brief update since my brain seems to be a bit in "DEAR SWEET BISCUITS I BE DEAD" mode.

So first lets take a look at this:

Basically a quick image I put together by taking colors found in the photos I gathered depicting in each of the four seasons and putting them together as seen above as a collection of colored blobs. Simply this provides a quick reference in terms of the colors most present in each season (Not by ratio of the size they take up in their panel but by their presence at all. Again, this was put together quickly.) The idea for this is simply to provide an easy reference of the colors to be used in the lighting and textures.

No onto the main project itself. I've added in all but the fall textures, along with a lighting system.

I'm not completely satisfied with the houses's texture, especally in regards to the windows, but I'm going to hold out and wait until everything else is finished before I work on fixing them. With David's help, as well as providing and introducing me to the GI Joe script, I now have a lighting system I feel will work for my purposes.

The next step: Getting the snow and rain particles in, along with the fall textures. With that everything will be in and set within the Maya project and I can then focus on the "Weather/Season" system that will allow for easy transition between the seasons and weather within Maya.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tree edits

Remade the trees from scratch to make them look better and reduce the polygon count.

I plan to do some more work on them, adding some more branches and working to balance them out more so it looks more natural, but I am liking the direction they're heading in now a lot more then previously.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hitting the Books.... With a Tree

So I've been spending a nice huge chunk of my time over the last week looking at various pictures, photos, etc. depicting the four seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer, and Winter. In addition I spent a bit of time reading up on some material related to the subject of seasons (Basically the Wikipedia articles on each season, plus the various articles linked from/referenced on them)

The main focus of the research was mostly on what key features of each season are visually the most significant. Obviously this includes information such as "In Winter.... it SNOWS (Dun Dun DUUUUUN)" but another important detail that must be noted is that said snow is amazingly good at reflecting light. Not that it can show reflections, of course, but when the ground is covered in a nicely leveled layer of snow, the sun's light can reflect pretty well off of it on a sunny day, making the day even brighter. This can even happen on a somewhat cloudy day (Just ask anyone why wears transition lenses, such as myself.)

Another aspect of winter worth noting is the present contrast, basically Snow Vs. Everything that is not snow. In comparison to the white snow everything else appears slightly darker then usually. In some cases this is just because of the present contrast, and other times it's because of certain objects getting wet from melted snow, saturating the colors.

So, come the end of Winter we have Spring. First thing to note is that not all of the snow melts at once, there are still some clumps and areas covered for a time at the beginning. There is also areas of grass that has died and become dry and discolored. Trees are bear some saturation/wetness remains. As time goes on, however, the ground is renewed and new life begins to grow and replace what had been lost throughout winter. By the half-way point, flowers have begun to bloom.

The best means of approaching Spring is to look at it as one giant transition between Winter and Summer. The cooler temperature then summer allows for more saturation and moisture to be present, but it is still warm enough to support plant life and prevent snow.

Then we have Summer, the leaves and other plant life has grown, the sun has dried up excess water desaturizing the present colors to appear more "even", and the sky is a clear, light blue. From my observation it also appears that this is the season in which shadows are their strongest and sharpest. Instead of gradually going from dark to light, there almost seems to be a line between the areas hit by light and the areas in shadow.

Depending on how strong the heat is, and how little rain there is, Summer can also come with areas of dead, dried out grass, this probably won't be focused on to much, if at all, in my own project unless I find myself with time to make a second set of textures for summer to reflect this.  The most important area to focus on is the desaturation of color, the brighter blue sky, and the "fullness" of leaves in the trees.

The final season is Autumn, or Fall. The two biggest changes are the transition of colors from greens to browns, reds, and oranges (this is mostly seen in the leaves, though the grass itself also changes to a more brownish shade of green.) Shadows become more elongated, and the edges begin to blur. Leaves, after changing color, eventually fall off and are blown away in the wind, or simply fall onto the ground. Plantl life that was previously thriving begins to curl and either die or go into a hibernative state. This is in preparation for the coming winter, and with it's coming, the season's cycle is renewed.

With this information I believe I am ready for the next step in the project: Textures. The model itself is basically complete (There are still some tweeks to be made and fixes will probably be needed. I may decide to try and see if I can reduce the poly count to help with the rendering time.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Outdoor Enviromental Project

 So for those unaware, Spring Quarter has started here at RIT. Soooo long story short here are some quick photoshop pics I through together to deminstrate the basic idea behind my current project for Production pipeline.

  I'm making an outdoor environment that can cycle through the seasons and have various types of weather, within Maya itself. This, ideally would allow for the same environment model to be used for different seasonal scenes.

Yeah, the illustrations aren't exactly up to par with any kind of standard of quality. They are purely for demonstrating the idea behind my project.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Exit the King Exits

So after weeks of modeling, animating, headaches, and meetings my work on Exit the King has, for the most part, concluded. All that's left is to help project the images during the course of the show when I'm able, and by this time next week it'll all be done.

This has definitely been the most demanding Maya project I've ever undertaken, but on the other hand I think I've improved the most as a result of it. My modeling is better, I'm able to use texturing and UVs with more confidence, and I can animate fairly well.

Only time will tell if my efforts will bear fruit, but so long as the audiance of the show enjoys the projected images I helped make, I'll at least be glad with that.

Friday, January 21, 2011

More Work on the King

So yeah, to keep things simple, this last week has managed to be very,very busy...

I ended up redoing the columns twice, the second time with help from Marla and Yuya. Working with Yuya can be a bit overbearing, since there's no real question about the fact that he's legions ahead of me in ability. Still, I fell I learned a lot through the experiance, and ultimately the two of us together managed to produce something that looked pretty good. After Yuya left I cleaned up and set up the UVs for the model.

I also put together railing to be used in the central image. I tried to follow Marla's request for a simple design with circles, while being sure the rails themselves would look nice and fit into the Gothic style used in the main Castle model.

Other then the work done for Exit the King I've also been busy getting my work done for my Animation Class (Object Toss Project), my character design for Marla's class, and work for anatomical drawing.

..... and my laptop's monitor appears to be dead. I shouldn't be surprised, since the poor thing has been having trouble running and starting up over the last few months, and the cooling system is pretty much dead.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meeting With The King

Meet today with Marla, Yuya, a student working on the production's lighting, and the person whom I believe is directing the play itself.

Not to much to say, other then I'm happy to report that the basic model I created has been approved by Marla and the Director, though there is still plenty of clean up work to be done. Still, it's nice to go that I'm going in the right direction, and the groundwork for the modeling, for the most part, has been done.


Now I just have to get back to work on all of the OTHER stuff on my to do list. Also need to remember to ask Marla if the Character Design class ever gone to my Character after I left to take Tex to his Doctor's appointment. I kinda want to know what feedback was given, if any.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Senior Thesis Assist As of 1/11/2011

Alright well, I've got a lot of past events to report here, and yet a lot of work ahead, so I'll keep this as simple as possible.

Before Winter Break I had attempted to sign onto a game project presented by some seniors, but alas they never got back to me. So instead a signed up to help the head of my major's department, Marla, with a project to create a digital castle that will deteriorate over time to be used in a state production.

Once I returned from break I meet with Marla and the other student I am working with, Yuya on Wednesday. It was decided that I would take care of the base mesh for the castle to start things off, while Yuya focuses on preparing the textures. On Saturday and Sunday I created the basic model, focusing on keeping the model simple enough to UV and Texture within the time we have available to us, but grand and "powerful" enough in appearance to emulate the feeling of an actual Gothic style Castle.

After sending the model to Yuya we discussed what we had so far. I still plan to work on the model a bit more, mostly cleaning up some rough edges, deleteing surfaces that do not appear inside the castle hallway being modeled, etc.


And now I've finally gotten around to starting this blog.

Right now I'll be using this for my Senior Thesis Assist Class, as a means of reporting the work I've done and the progress made afterwords. I will also be using this as a my main spot for posting all information in regards to all of the projects I'm working on.